
if this is not a place where my tears are heard, then where shall i go cry?

Monday, February 28, 2005

Blog worthy

Hmmmmm well haven really been blogging for the past few days. One of the reasons is that I simply don’t have the time to blog. Ok….. Excuses……… hahaha the real reason is my stupid hello program still doesn’t work anyone who has any idea at all as to how to fix it please tell me ok? Anyway...its pretty hard to find Blog worthy stuff....sigh.........But nonetheless let me give u a rough idea of what I have been up too and I’ll use my friend’s com to upload the pictures later. Well I think 2 days ago on sat, I went to Seodaemun prison. Or south big gate prison wasn’t the most cheery place in the whole world. Not with the rows and rows of prison cells. People died there during the Japanese invasion in World War 2 so….yah u get the idea. Dropped by the Independence gate too. Where the martyrs of Korea declared themselves free of Japanese rule on Mar 1st. It’s still celebrated as a national holiday here. Korea Independence day. The uprising got suppressed of course…..ruthlessly. But it must have been something to be there then. To have something that’s so dear to you, you are willing to die for it…………..

Went to church on Sunday. Onnuri church. Probably will join the church and cell there. We’ll see. In case you think otherwise, I’m not church hopping. just trying to find one that I can get committed too, and that I can reach on time………… traffic here is still…..well….rather challenging I would say.

Hopped by Baskin Robin’s today on Monday. Hahaha in case u don’t know why I went there, well my Sassy girl’s 2 main characters dated there before, and its adverts were in the show. Go take a look next time. Spent 2 hrs the previous night trying to find the train station where they met, but it wasn’t anywhere on the web….sigh…… that’s all for now I guess. Will be doing more exciting things soon I hope…… haha.

And lastly, Independence Gate! It doesn't look like much but upon it lies the Pride of Korea! Posted by Hello

BASKIN ROBINS!. look for it in my sassy girl. P.S they had their date Here! Not this shop though.....*sobs*. Tell me if you know which one...... Posted by Hello

the seats at baskin are really small. i like pink though Posted by Hello

I had sunset icecream(thats the one on the right) and Rainbow sherbet( thats the one on the left). Doesn't it look wonderful? If there's anything better then icecream sherbet is 2 scoops of icecream sherbet. and the only thing that can beat that is 2 scoops of beautiful icecream sherbet! yummy yummy. Posted by Hello

3 of us had lots of icecream Posted by Hello

Yonsei university. Its graduation day today and its the culture to give flowers to those who graduated from here or any university for that matter. since two top universities Ehwa Women's University and my university Yonsei University both had their graduation ceremony today, the whole area of the city was packed with flower vendors........ Posted by Hello

Can you read this? It says "Pride of a People...... Never Forget these words Singapore...... It was mounted on a wall in a train station. The one closest to Seodaemun prison. Posted by Hello

The most depressing place so far.....seodaemun prison. many people died here...... Posted by Hello


Hmmm Korea is really a very fun place. I mean from my pics u guys would have known that yah i had fun. In fact till today, there has not been a single day whereby i have not gone out to look at the various sights available. but hey, its not all fun and such even though yah it was fun. but it was more then that. I left Singapore to look for something and I found it here. A new challenge, a new expreience and a new chance to renew myself and change my mindset.

It wasn't that I was stagnanting or anything like that in singapore. I wasn't. But i still felt a bit of the wanderlust that keep calling me out. Haven u ever seen a mountain before and had the urge to go over to the other side just so you could see whats there? It was probably something like that sort of feeling. I wanted to come here, because its here i suppose. because it is. Living in another place is challenging. It is totally unlike touring a place. On a tour you don't get the feel of the land. You never can. Its like looking at someone, but yet never perceiving, never understanding. Metephorically speaking, I would say that the land is like a person, it is alive, abundant with passion, full of potential, it breathes it calls it speaks to you. The ground is its history and the very air you breathe smells of it. hmmmmm or was it the pollution...... but it is challenging.

It is here that I realise how limited a person can be. I mean, hey we speak english which maybe much of the world speaks, relatively speaking but hey. So what? If you speak only english then its pretty sad, cause u will never be able to break out and see so much of the world out there. Sure the states is great, I love the commonwealth nations and Australia is still the land of the brave and the free (occasionally a few political prisoners as well), but hey are you sure u don't want more then this? are you sure you really want to stay in this homogenous society. I mean hey dun kid ourselves. it is homogenous, underlying all the surface stuff. One of the best things i will be forever thankful is being able to speak mandrian. i mean i'm not all that pro at it but i'm adequate. to those who do not like mandrian, u have no idea what u are missing. Long before the british and other european countries came, it was china who was the greatest power on the face of the earth. and if u know mandrian really well, it opens another part of the world. Preachy...... i know.

Language it seems is the key. In "the last lesson" (its a famous french work if you haven read it then go get one) the teacher reminds the children to never forget their language for if they do, the people will be gone. language will unlock cultures, countries borders and your world will expand more and more. and you will realise that hey, cliche but Life Is Beautiful......

I'm determined to learn korean here. Its a beautiful place.

Snowfall, Trees, Flowers, Mountains in the distance
Broad Skys, Streams, Rivers, Lakes within the mountains.

What brings me here?
I am here. Because it is here.